Audio Plugin Formats

What are audio plugins An audio plugin is a software tool that is used in a DAW software – a Digital Audio Workstation. What is the need of audio plugins in a DAW :  The Audio plugins are processors that make the existing audio sound Read More …

The Need & Importance of learning Music Theory

Music is an arrangement of sounds. These arrangements that are present in music are the devices that relate to us and touch us emotionally as listeners, but they are often taken for granted. Underappreciated are the centuries of development and evolution that music has undergone Read More …

The World Music Day – June 21st

The idea of World Music Day was conceived by the French Minister of Culture, Jack Lang in 1981. In the same year he appointed Mr. Maurice Fleuret (composer, music journalist, radio producer, arts administrator) as the Director of Music and Dance. Mr. Maurice Fleuret applied Read More …